Frequently Asked Questions

What is Entourage Health’s ticker symbol and where is it traded?

The ticker symbol for Entourage Health's common stock is ENTG-V which is traded on the TSX Venture Exchange.

How can I purchase shares of Entourage Health?

Shares may be purchased on the open market through a registered broker-dealer or an online trading platform of your choice. Shares cannot be purchased directly from the Company.

Does Entourage Health pay a dividend?

Entourage Health does not currently pay any cash dividends.

Does Entourage Health offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP or DRIP)?

We do not offer a direct stock purchase or dividend reinvestment program.

Where is Entourage Health incorporated?

Entourage Health Corp. is incorporated in the Province of Ontario.

When is Entourage Health’s fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year end is December 31. The Company’s quarterly periods conclude on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.

Where is Entourage Health located?

250 Elm Street, Aylmer, Ontario.

Who is the Company’s Transfer Agent?

TSX Trust Company, 301 - 100 Adelaide St. W, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 4H1

Who is Entourage Health’s independent auditor?

MNP  Canada LLP, 1 Adelaide St E Suite 1900, Toronto, ON M5C 2V9

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